
Showing posts from September, 2022

Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

More often than not, we just spread herbs out on a tea towel on a table for a couple of days. Fall breezes give a refreshing stir to the hot summer air. Plants and herbs are hopefully something you eat every day! In some cases, for instance with white sage , we have been able to source excellent organic, cultivated options, which means we can continue to offer this herbal ally with a good conscience. In other cases, however, as with false unicorn and trillium (Trillium spp.), we have chosen to discontinue carrying an herb because we simply cannot find an ethical way to procure it. We’re getting to the time of year when some species of bees, wasps, and hornets get more aggressive, so we’re more likely to get stung. In late summer and fall, these stinging insects start to prepare for winter at the same time that their natural food sources are depleted. They’re hungry and their instinct to protect their hive and, particularly, their queen becomes more intense. You'll find a list