Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

More often than not, we just spread herbs out on a tea towel on a table for a couple of days. Fall breezes give a refreshing stir to the hot summer air. Plants and herbs are hopefully something you eat every day!

In some cases, for instance with white sage , we have been able to source excellent organic, cultivated options, which means we can continue to offer this herbal ally with a good conscience. In other cases, however, as with false unicorn and trillium (Trillium spp.), we have chosen to discontinue carrying an herb because we simply cannot find an ethical way to procure it. We’re getting to the time of year when some species of bees, wasps, and hornets get more aggressive, so we’re more likely to get stung. In late summer and fall, these stinging insects start to prepare for winter at the same time that their natural food sources are depleted. They’re hungry and their instinct to protect their hive and, particularly, their queen becomes more intense.

You'll find a list of all my blog posts in the blog archive. The image above shows the Nether Wallop herb dryer, which is small but can be taken apart and stored easily. Navigating your transition through menopause may feel like a right of passage, or you may feel like your body is betraying you.

Herbal salt blends, I believe it is the small daily habits that truly add up to the biggest changes in our overall health and wellness. This is one of the reasons I started making herbal ice cubes. This simple preparation is easy, fast, and offers some wonderful benefits Kräuter-Blog for our hard-working bodies and minds. Simply adding a few herbal ice cubes to my water allows me to harness the power of herbs without tacking on any extra time or effort. You’ll find loads of recipes, plus a 28-part feature on traditional Pan-African foods.

Lisa's Herb RemediesThis blog is dedicated to the study of herbalism, with posts on herb plants, gardening, herbal remedies, recipes, and herb walks by a budding herbalist. Giving children a good herbal foundation will stay with them for their lifetime. Knowledge is power, and when we are young, we are especially open and eager to learn new things about the natural world. In the same way that learning another language is especially helpful in earlier development stages, so is sharing the language of plants. No matter what career and lifestyle children grow into, exploring plants as a child will give them a solid foundation of wisdom that will help them in their day-to-day lives. They will have the ability to take control of their own health and teach others to do the same.

Herbal practitioners seek to customize herbs and lifestyle treatment protocols for each individual patient. In Western medicine, you may often see two different patients walk out of a consultation for depression with nervous agitation with the same medication. Some herbalists gain their knowledge as it's passed down from generation to generation.

This explains how I've come to be the owner of enough 2 ounce dropper bottles to last me the rest of my natural life. The only quantity available was 5X what I wanted, but that's how it's been going. Another option is tying the herbs up in a washcloth using a piece of string or a rubber band. Alpha hydroxy acids cause skin to be photosensitive, so be conscientious of sun exposure after using exfoliants.


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